Cómo Aprender Español: Expresiones Comunes
Dear Tiffany,
As you might be able to tell by our guide to Spanish expressions, this is one of our favorite topics on the blog. However, we haven’t really dove into the reason or the history behind the most common expressions that you can see on a regular basis. As non-native speakers, we can do a lot of research and talk to different people about what things really mean and where they come from but that only gets you so far. That is why we are so excited to have David Peter from Your Spanish Guide as our guest on the series Cómo Aprender Español: Entrevistas con Expertos.
During this YouTube video series we connect with certified Spanish teachers who are currently giving lessons online (which means you can have class with them if you like) to discuss different elements of language learning they find important. The series is carried out completely in Spanish which not only allows us to share their expertise in the language they most use it but it also gives you space to practice your listening skills. Of course, we also have Spanish and English subtitles for those people who want a little extra support!
In our fourth episode: Expresiones Comunes (y sus orígenes) David Peter shares with us four common expressions, what they mean, and where they come from. It is particularly interesting because he dives into some expressions that we hear regularly but didn’t know where they came from. In addition, he shares with us a couple of new expressions that you might not have heard of.
We are so grateful for the wealth of knowledge that David shares with us and found learning the histories of common expressions quite interesting. This episode will benefit you if you are wanting to dive a little bit deeper into some of the expressions Spaniards use regularly. It is under ten minutes, so it is a quick watch!
As always, let us know in the comments here or on YouTube if you have any questions or specific experiences you would like to share.
In episode 4, Claudia talks with David Peter about four common expressions and where they come from. You will finish this episode with a better understanding of “irse al carajo,” “tirar la casa por la ventana,” “meterse en camisa de once varas,” and “echar un polvo.”